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One woman’s desperate quest
for freedom, purpose, and peace
On June 4, 1989, Chinese soldiers gunned down untold hundreds of nonviolent civilian protesters in the streets of Beijing—an event that shocked the world. Chai Ling柴玲, commander-in-chief of the student protesters in Tiananmen Square, tells her dramatic story in A Heart for Freedom—a journey that took her from ordinary graduate student, to protest leader, to escaped fugitive, to successful entrepreneur. Today Chai Ling has a passion for God and a new mission in mind: fighting for the lives and rights of young girls in China.
The dramatic and fascinating story of Chai Ling, commander-in-chief of the student protesters at Tiananmen Square and witness to the massacre of thousands of Chinese civilians. Risking imprisonment and possible death for her leadership role in the student democracy movement, she was on the run in China for ten months while being hunted by the authorities. She eventually escaped to the U.S., completed her education at Princeton and Harvard, found true love, and became a highly successful entrepreneur. But her desperate quest for freedom, purpose, and peace—which she had sought in turn through academic achievement, romantic love, political activism, and career success—was never satisfied until she had an unexpected encounter with a formerly forbidden faith. Her newfound passion for God led to her life’s greatest mission: Fighting for the lives and rights of young girls in China.
Print Length: 370 pages
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. (October 1, 2011)
Language: English
记得我在美讀研究所時,聽完一些年輕熱血的六四學生在馬利蘭大學的演講,我一邊禱告他們能認識神,從神得到安慰與帶領。會後,我把聖經荒漠甘泉給了严家其,我們今日看到他們多人成爲基督徒,柴玲2009年12月4日,她成為基督徒,並於翌年4月4日正式接受洗禮。 2010年6月1日她成立女童之声,2011年9月22日,柴玲在美国国会对于中国计划生育政策的听证会上作证。她宣称自己曾四次被迫流产--她称自己頂著壓力把墮胎的事講出來,是要完成神的意願。她直言中國的一胎政策迫使千萬中國婦女成爲殺人膾子手,80%的妇女至少堕胎1次,52%至少堕胎2次,也不能生下孩子給人領養。我為她的勇氣感到敬佩。六四事件中被當局列為二十一名學生領袖之一受到通緝,現為美軍駐伊拉克的隨軍牧師熊焱称柴玲的生命之改变,尤其她现在敢于完全披露自己的勇气,只能从基督教的角度才可以理解和认识。
--方元 Melissa Yao
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