「齊家治國,一肩雙挑」--北一女的校歌發揮的影響力,少女時志在報國,台大念國際關係,美國馬里蘭大學研究所念政治經濟。在台大新鮮人就受洗成為基督徒,但在研究所時才與主耶穌的關係親密 。主在我一次獨自內室禱告中看到一塊懸吊在空中又髒又臭的破布,背有大光照耀。後來在以賽亞書讀到「我們都像不潔淨的人,所有的義都像污穢的衣服。」( 64:6)認識到所有的自以為義在神眼中只像該丟掉的破布。我算那是 我 的重生。 這異象的教導,只有謙卑。謙卑下來,就是順服。謙卑下來,一切所得到的獎學金,博士學位, 愛主的丈夫,可愛的兒女,內心的平安,就都是神的恩典,沒有可自誇的 .
九零年搬到 Albuquerque,New Mexico. 在那安靜的環境四年,卻因神的話有幾個重大的決定與委身。一是因著「 你給他們吃 罷。」(路加九:13) 這個呼召,亞一書房在1992年成立。那時仍在大學教書。二是切切尋求神後. 神的話臨到,辭去大學教職,開始家庭學校,專心孩子與書房事工。三是一個更難的決定,相信孩子都是神所賜的產業,由神來決定 我們孩子數目。
九四年因神的帶領,丈夫Dr. Ren Yao調職到波士頓,以下五年亞一書房服務紐英倫二十多個教會,因網路目錄. 也務了全美及歐亞州弟兄姐妹 。九九年,因紐約的牧師力邀,也在紐約成立門市。後因丈夫調職與就近父 母. 全家遷奧勒岡州波特蘭服務北美和世界各地的讀者。我們計劃2011底在西雅圖成立門市.
亞一書房只銷售福音產品,語言(學中文)和基督徒出版的兒童英文教材。 特色是精通挑好書,所推薦的書或音樂都 仔細讀過欣賞過. 曾幫助眾多不同屬景程度的中美讀者選書,他們看后的良好反應乃此售書服務的最大的滿足。我 們也為教會免運費運送兒童英文主日學教材 。
這福音書房是政府登記的非營利事工 --過去多年一直不支薪以求書房能在小眾市場發展下來。我們盡量保持合理的價位。這是一個呼召的順服,服事的喜樂。我們不是一個企業, 難免有不周的地方,如目錄不及update,但我們給予誠實親切的服務 。
最後,我要在此謝謝幾位師長朋友, 謝謝先生和孩子的幫忙和支持。謝謝馬里蘭劉傳章牧師師母介紹, 使我和我先生彼此認識 。 謝謝我奶奶(九十三歲回天家)和劉師母的母親一二十年來每日的代禱。謝謝新墨西哥州的祝健臥綠夫婦尋求神的話語,不計較一切只為主得人的榜樣,教人渴慕效 法。 謝 謝波士頓的陳俊懿的經常問候. 她只為主活,體恤憂傷困苦的人胸懷長縈繞心頭。謝謝在波特蘭幫我書房各方面事務的能幹盡責的姐妹 XiuXiang Wang, Feng Ling and Joanna Wang。
盼您多給意見指點。 謝謝。
Melissa Yao 姚余方元
It is amazing how God works on a person. In my teen years, I was determined to become a diplomat to help expand Taiwan's diplomatic relations. So I studied International Relations at Taiwan National Univ. and Political Economy at the University of Maryland in College Park, which is close to Washington D.C
While in graduate school, I served in the church and in bible study group. One day, while I was praying, God revealed a scene to me with a dirty rag and a bright shining light in the background and the verse Isaiah 64:6a "But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags". This personal encounter with God made me truly acknowledge that I had nothing to boast of. Compared with God's holiness, our righteousness is just like the dirty rag. All the good things that I have, such as inner peace, my scholarship, my Ph. D. , and my family are all from God. I can only humble myself before Him and obey Him.
In 1992, while I was living in a temporal and spiritual desert in New Mexico, God gave me Luke 9:13a, "Give ye them to eat". With these words, Asian Book One was established with the goal of introducing quality Christian products to Chinese and to others who have the burden of sharing the good news with the Chinese (we also carry Japanese and Korean bibles) We provide our readers with important news about Christian writers, discoveries and opportunities related with ministry to the Chinese. We try to be critical about selecting the books which we recommend. As language is an important tool in sharing the good news, we also provide language materials for those learning Chinese.
In 1992, I was also teaching at the University of New Mexico. However, God graciously led me to quit and to stay at home to raise our children. My husband and I now home-school our 5 children (we do not limit the number of children, they are a gift from God) with a focus on Christian character. There have been many blessings from my decision and no regrets from having made it. Thus, we carry some very good English books for both parents and children for character training. We are blessed to have some responsible sisters in the Lord here in Portland, Oregon to help to run this book ministry, which is a non-profit organization.
Also a word for our readers: we do not reply to any inquiries by phone or email on Sundays, the Lord's day. We also suggest that instead of surfing the web on Sundays, you enjoy the Lord's words and His creation with your family! For other days of the week, we will try to answer your question within 24 hours.
Melissa Yao