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Behind most lives, there are masks that hide our hurts and fears. As you read, or more likely cry, through this delicate work, you will understand why there is so much joy in the presence of angels when one repents. Once you read it, you will know why two-and-a-half-million copies were printed in the 1800s.
"The main character of this book is named Rosalie. She is the 12-year-old daughter of an abusive, uncaring father and a sickly mother. They are part of a circus, moving on to every town, performing the same plays over and over again. To the girls in the audience watching, Rosalie's life seems very bright. She gets to act in dramatic plays and dress in fancy costumes and jewelry, but behind the scenes, Rosalie's life is actually very hard. To the Great Shepherd, Rosalie is as a lost lamb, and there is such joy when the lamb is finally found.
"Some of the characters in this book made some bad decisions in God's eyes, thinking that the outcome could only be bright and fair, but in the end it often turned out badly. Rosalie was just as a wandering lost lamb, and it was a good example of how much Jesus loves his sheep. The only thing that can bring you the utmost peace and joy is the love of Jesus Christ." --Review by Elizabeth Yao, age 12
Some of the lessons one can learn from this book are to be not easily deceived by the world's glitter and glare and outward appearances, and that the only way of safety and true happiness is to be found in keeping near the Good Shepherd.
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