寒夜 Bitter Cold Nights

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內容簡介: 中國文學名著簡寫本是為外國人學習漢語編寫的泛讀材料,可作為閲讀原著的輔助讀物。 本書原作二十餘萬字。這個簡寫本約為三萬五千字,保留了原作最主要的線索和人物,並盡量保持了原作的藝術風格。文字經過疏通,比較淺顯易懂。較難的詞語均標注漢語拼音並加英文注釋。 This work is based on the novel of the same name, Bitter Cold Nights by the famous Chinese writer Ba Jin. The story, which unfolds against the background of the War of Resistance Against Japan, offers numerous insights into the social situation of the time, and into the life of ordinary Chinese people. For the student of Chinese, this book will constitute a valuable aid for the development of reading skills, and will provide models of pure, authentic Chinese. Possible linguistic difficulties are amply explained in the notes.
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