五餅二魚領帶 Necktie with Bread-and-Fish Pattern

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《五餅二魚領帶》  藝術圖案展現的五餅二魚神蹟後的狀況,好多的魚,好多的餅,以及宇宙光的英文字組成了豐富好看的圖案,多種顏色選擇: 棗紅,深藍,銀灰,適合任何場合佩帶,大方醒目。附精美金色禮盒。 我甚喜歡這富有意義又大方的圖案, 我的攝影師姐妹出嫁給一位神學生,她是極重視覺的人(從她的專業就知道), 一看到這領帶, 就拿了七份送給婚禮幫忙的弟兄,還再買一份給她的先生...可見此領帶的出眾卓越。 送給男士弟兄極佳禮品 Melissa Yao The artistic design that makes this necktie so meaningful and outstanding depicts the miracle that came out of "five loaves of bread and two fish". Color choices: Burgundy, Dark Blue and Silver Gray. It comes with golden gift box. One of my friends, who is a professional photographer and also a sister in the Lord, was married to a seminary student in Nov. 2003. She is a very visual person (you can tell by her profession). When she saw this necktie, she took 7 of them right away to give to brothers who helped her in her wedding. She also ordered one later for her newlywed husband for his Christmas gift... I have shared this story just to assure you that this is an excellent and outstanding gift for men. Melissa Yao
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