難泯歲月--我和上海地方教會及倪柝聲(簡体版) wi

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批判倪 內容簡介: 难泯岁月—我和上海地方教会及倪柝声(简体版) 许梅骊医师 倪柝声领导的中国地方教会是二十世纪中国教会史中的重要篇章。对它探索的经验及惨烈失败的教训的认真反思,都将成为宝贵的属灵遗产,为今日教会所借鉴。然而历史的迷雾为反思带来了极大的困难。本书作者青年时代在上海地方教会受洗,此后在地方教会经历了轰轰烈烈的风波。她追求过、崇拜过、惊憟过、跌倒过、冷淡过,而最终在神长阔高深的恩典中又重新委身。她以极大的勇气,以自己的经历及对地方教会历史孜孜不倦的求索,对这场属灵运动进行了历史的反思,目的是为今日教会及基督徒提供一个积极的、切身的启迪和警戒。本书是一份以难得的视角所作的珍贵记录与思考。 The Unforgettable Memoirs: My Life, Shanghai Local Church, and Watchman Nee (Simplified Chinese) Lily M. Hsu, M.D. It is a story of serious introspection and exploration of a precious spiritual heritage of the Local Church Movement and its leader Watchman Nee which are an important chapter in the Chinese church's 20th century history. Not all its pages have been transparent. A dense fog within the local church itself hinders historical transparency. In her youth, Lily Hsu witnessed and was stunned by the failings of the church. With great courage, she lifts the fog and directs our sight to a positive inspiration--lessons for the Christians and churches of today. In her youth, Lily Hsu witnessed and was stunned by the failings of the church. With great courage, she lifts the fog and directs our sight to a positive inspiration--lessons for the Christians and churches of today. The Unforgettable Memoirs: My Life, Shanghai Local Church, and Watchman Nee Lily M. Hsu, M.D. It is a story of serious introspection and exploration of a precious spiritual heritage. The events surrounding the Local Church Movement and its leader Watchman Nee are an important chapter in the Chinese church's 20th century history. Not all its pages have been transparent. A dense fog within the local church itself hinders historical transparency. There is more to see and learn. In her youth, author Lily Hsu was baptized at the Shanghai Local Church (i.e. Shanghai Christian Assembly, SCA) and went through its raging storms of conflict and controversy. She pursued God, and effective worship. Stunned by church failings, she tumbled away and withdrew from God and the church. Finally, by the amazing grace of God, she committed herself to God once again. With great courage, personal experience and an assiduous exploration of SCA's history, she lifts the fog on major historical facts and directs our sight to the importance of SCA as a spiritual movement. Her purpose is not to condemn but to offer prompt and positive inspiration--lessons for the Christians and churches of today. This is a book of invaluable personal and spiritual recollections. Author Dr. Hsu strives to write words without the opaque fog of pride and historical distortions. 作者:许梅骊 Lily M. Hsu, M.D. Paperback: 394 pages Publisher: Xulon Press (February 21, 2011)
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