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(特價)塔魯古的新鮮事(12本小繪本) Talugoo Stories (Set of 12 Illustrate
塔魯古的新鮮事(12本小繪本) Talugoo Stories (Set of 12 Illustrated Books)
見證:我讀給我兩個小一點的孩子聼,出我意料,他們都很專注的聼且非常喜歡。在美國找到他們喜歡的中文合基督信仰的書不容易。 這套書是在加拿大華人基督徒畫家和他的妻兒畫了釵h可愛的圖畫共同為小孩子創作。 一點都不八股乏味。以不同時空的寫法來闡述聖經故事。我有信心您的小孩會喜歡的。--MelissaYao -五個孩子的母親。
1. 國王與欠錢的人
2. 國王、乞丐與木匠
3. 國王與農夫
4. 好心人
5. 國王的九十九隻羊
6. 國王的筵席
7. 積蓄財寶的財主
8. � 房子的兄弟
9. 國王的僕人
10. 浪子的故事
11. 國王與愛咪1
12. 國王與愛咪2
翁登科,1960年12月13日出生於台灣,畫作曾多次參賽獲獎。1990年出版翁登科畫集;1993年獲美國基督教湯清文藝術繪畫獎;1995年以傑出藝術家身分移民加拿大,現與妻子(廖芳枝)及三名子女 ( Enoch Weng、Luke Weng、Ruth Weng ) 定居加拿大。本書為翁登科一家人合力繪圖完成。
出版社: 宇宙光出版社
This Chinese Christmas gift book collection is especially designed for children 4-12.
I read the booklets to my two younger children, and they listened attentively and liked it, to my surprise. In the United States, it is not easy to find Chinese books that interest them. But this collection is wonderfully designed for children. Taiwan's famous Christian artist Weng and his three children and wife drew many charming and artistic pictures for these story booklets. The stories are rewritten Bible stories, paraphrased to make them current. The Scripture reference is at the end of each book. These stories are not boring at all. I am confident children will love to hear these stories every night.
This gift book comes with a hardcover with a flat magnet. The 12 booklets are printed on high quality paper and inserted into a case with pockets for each booklet. It is not only attractive but easy to carry around.
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