國語聖經朗讀 72 CD Audio Bible Reading in Mandarin (1 set)

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市面上第一套物美價廉全本和合本聖經朗讀附音樂全套72CD! 標準華語女聲讀出,不急不徐有優美背景音樂。 72片CD裝在有堅實拉鍊式的黑色塑膠套內,携帶拿取方便! 利用時間:此套CD可幫助你利用時間在開車時、操勞家務時,聆聽默想經文 貼心的禮品:學習中文的成人或孩子、經常開車的壯年人、家庭主婦、老年人、病人 現貨 2套或3套以上更有特價優待 亞一書房為使聖經朗讀CD普及化,不惜虧損,以低於成本的最低的價格讓讀者享有此套CD,比英文聖經CD還要便宜的聖經朗讀CD。  亞一書房出版 The first whole Bible (Chinese Union Version) Reading in Mandarin with background music and at super low price in the market! Standard Mandarin in woman's voice at the moderate speed, with background music to help you meditate on God's Words. Easy to carry around--72 CDs in a black sturdy bag with a zipper. This set helps you to best utilize the time listening to God's Words when you are driving or doing house chores. This is also a great gift seniors, patients, and students who want to learn Chinese (best go with Pinyin Bible, Asian Book One has 3 kinds of pinyin Bibles) This set is the lowest priced Bible reading CDs in Mandarin, it is lower than our production cost due to our nonprofit nature so we select a few items lower than cost every year. Published by Asian Book One *The minimum shipping cost of this product starting $8.50 per set for regular parcel mail or $19.50 for USPS Priority Delivery within US. ** For order of multiple set please email or call our bookstore for postal fees.
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