Italic Handwriting Series D

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有一位精算師朋友也是SAT 考試的閲卷者,他說每次看到考卷上潦草的字跡, 就不想在看下去。有些家長認為都用電腦打字,寫字不重要了。這是似是而非的觀念。諸不知寫字可訓練一個孩子的仔細、認真、整潔的個性,同時不整潔潦草的字跡給人 不好的印象,懷疑這人的自律與個性。Italic Handwriting Series 是適合孩子學寫英文草寫發展出來的,我一位原本寫字潦草的兒子, 使用這套書後,寫字大有改善。 

I have a accountant friend who is also a grader for SAT tests. He said when he see the sloppy handwriting on the tests, he feels not to grade it anymore. Though we use computer very often, we still need to handwrite in many occasions. Sloppy handwriting gives people bad impression and doubt the discipline or character of this person.

One of my sons who likes to finish things quickly, though he is swift in finishing his homework, but the handwriting especially the cursive writing looks terrible. I switch to the Italic Handwriting Series and see the great improvement in his writing, that is why I would like to introduce this series to you.

This Italic Handwriting Series (Getty-Dubay™) has many advantages over other handwriting methods available. It is very simple to learn, and the children often think of it as fun. It also eliminates the difficulties dyslexic children experience with mirroring or reversible letters. The hand position and movements for the italic are natural and result in an easy flowing motion when writing. We have had many mothers of children with horrendous handwriting try the Getty-Dubay Italic and be amazed with the improvement after even a short time. Research shows, comparing children in the same age group, those writing in italic can write significantly faster than those using conventional looped cursive or conventional printing methods.

One of the main difficulties children have with learning handwriting is in making the transition from the commonly taught ball and stick printing to the looped cursive. The ball and stick itself is awkward requiring perfect circles, vertical lines and many pen lifts off the page. Children are taught to print, and then asked to learn a completely different alphabet that has no resemblance to the printed alphabet they just learned. The looped cursive is confusing, difficult to write, and difficult to read. Italic eliminates this transition difficulty with a basic printed alphabet that is transformed into cursive italic by a series of joins. The child uses concepts he/she has already learned with the basic italic to learn cursive italic.

Studies indicate there is a major drop in average speed and legibility in the second grade, which is when the looped cursive is introduced in the classroom. Children in this age group are working on their reading skills, and looped cursive adds confusion to this issue as well. They are learning to read a script which most resembles italic, and yet they are also learning how to write in a script (looped cursive) that has no resemblance whatsoever to what they are reading. It is no wonder difficulties arise from this.

The italic method is more intuitive, easier to understand, write and read, and it tends not to break down into illegibility as does the looped cursive. Have you ever noticed that every form you have had to fill out says, "Please Print"? This is because we are not able to read each other's handwriting, so we must resort to printing to be legible. Many mothers have told us they tried everything with their children, and the Getty-Dubay™Italic was the only thing that worked.

The program takes the child through step by step in a very clear, logical manner using a "Look, Plan, Practice" approach. The five degree slope of the letters and the manner in which the pen is held when writing in italic are more in keeping with the hand's natural position.

For the purposes of private and public school instruction, the books can be used beginning with Book A for Kindergarten, Book B for 1st Grade, Book C for 2nd Grade, Book D for 3rd Grade, Book E for 4th Grade, Book F for 5th Grade, and Book G for 6th Grade. Once again, a child in school can begin with the book designated for his/her particular grade, even though they have never had italic before. Each book offers a comprehensive review of the basic italic at the designated grade level.

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