您相信數學有屬靈的教導嗎? 本書結合聖經與數學,又經二十年 的幼稚園學童實際使用修訂, 水準極佳,價廉物美。我們極力推薦 。
Level A with K4's, K5's, or Beginning 1st graders who are just beginning their math instruction. Level A covers: number concepts 1-20, counting to 100 by 1's, 5's, 10's and 2's plus addition/subtraction combinations through 10. Lessons include suggested daily pacings, Character Training Tips, Basic Skills (before/after, greater than/less than, numeration, missing numbers in sequence), and Word Problems.
CHRIST- CENTERED CURRICULUM FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD: It is uniquely scriptural, academically superior (have been tested for two decades and has blessed by many Christian home schoolers) and easily learned. We highly recomend it.